Term 2
Term 2 was a great term we had lots of things that were fun first this was one of them Squash it was so cool and i now know how to play it and man its cool how to play squash is first you have a buddy and each one of you have a racket and one of you have a ball and when your ready the person who has the ball hits it with his racket and when it hits the wall and when it does a bounce on the ground the other person hits with his racket and it keeps going on until someone hits the ball out of bounds or hits it to high their out and the other person wins.
Art in room 2 was very exciting we learned about a new artist named Hundertwasser, we learned about Hundertwasser and we got to do our own picture in Hundertwasser style but we did a sustainability picture i did a picture of plants and forest, Hundertwasser was born on the 15th of December 1928.
Music lessons
We have also had music lessons that were fun and interesting, in the music lessons we got to here very old songs that we haven't heard that were quite funny watching and other times we learned to play the te rakau sticks that were very fun and we did one only once was playing instruments to a random beat.
Jamie Oliver day
Jamie Oliver day was quite fun, on Jamie Oliver day we were in teams of our table groups each one of us at least had to bring some ingredients i had to bring 2 carrots and 2 tea spoons and that was easy for me because i have horses and i have to give them carrots most of the time but then when i got home we ran out so we had to get some in the morning before school but that didn't work out like we expected
nice on my birthday