Thursday 27 November 2014

Inventions Week

                   *Inventions Week*
 *The most enjoyable part was = Making the movie for our invention called Round Fantastica. Because we were working together and having fun*
*The hardest part was = Working out the profit, because i really didn't get it, and i will ask Mrs Kilkolly, next time*
*If i was to do this again i would =  Do something different, and make the invention, because this time i had no idea how i would make it*
*The most scary part was = Watching all the kids presenting in front of the dragons, because they ask some offending questions*
*The most embarrassing part was = Presenting in front of Mrs Kilkolly and Izzy, because i lost my voice*
*The easiest part = Was making the drawing of our invention, becasue you just have to finds shapes that match it*
*The most breathtaking moment was = When i saw some inventions that actually worked really well, because kids are young and i didn't think most people would know how to make electrical things work*
*The most messiest part was = picking up dirty socks for our trailer, which we deleted*

Electrical Watering Can.jpg
This is my invention, it is called the round fantastica or the fantastica electrica watering can, me and Grace didn't make it but we made a video talking about it and did a presentation. We learned how hard it actually is to make your own invention. 

Thursday 30 October 2014

Buggy learning

                                            Buggy learning 
 In class these days we have been learning about buggies, we got to partner up and work together. Me and Grace are buddies and we have been working together and trying new activities about buggies. 
 Here is the link to Buggy
Here is the accessories for the buggy 
 A 5 point harness
 Classic black coloring
 Rubber wheels
 Aluminium fabric
1 seat

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Pan Grams

The People in my group were Kaitlyn, Tamara, Ella. Our sentence was
A quick but lazy fox and pig called Jack and Revin were running through the middle of the big forest.
My own PanGram
Look at the stars at night, their shiny and they zoom across the sky, Brad is my dad, Fatty my pony said hello to me. Me and Dad played games. Jazz played as well. My brother played with the Kite. So quiet it was. I was used to noise anyway. Vicki called us in. That whole night was after x country.

 It was hard to think of all of the letters in the alphabet. We learn’t to go back and check that we had all of the letters. We had a really good team because we started with a basic sentence and it came bigger and bigger and bigger with each other words and finally we got all the letters from the alphabet.

Great job Kaityln - Mrs K

Maths paper planes

          Paper Planes
Tuesday to Wednesday, in room 2 we have been doing maths with paper planes. Each one of us got to choose a partner for this activity, There wasn't enough people in the class, so i had to go into a 3 group instead of 2, in this group it was me, Jasmine, and Eshloe. We have made 5 paper planes and after that we had to measure each wing on each plane on how many cm it was. After that everyone had to test there planes in flying, that was definitely my favorite part. Most of our planes went over 7 meters, which was very exciting. Me and Eshloe had a lot of fun flying the planes most of them kept flying and flying in a circle, it was absolutely awesome, Me and Eshloe kept laughing it was so funny. 
Number 1 plane, went 9 meters, and number 5 plane went, 8 meters and 250 cm. 

Sunday 21 September 2014


Friday the 19th of September 2014 Torbay school had a fun day going on called BookWeek. BookWeek is a day when all kids dress up as their favorite character from their favorite book. I have dressed up as Katniss from the Hunger games. To dress up as her i had to use my big thick navy blue raincoat and use my navy blue jeans. I also had the fun part by making my own homemade bow and arrow. I made a bow out of a good thick curved branch and some very stretchy string. I found some bamboo for the arrows but i didn't bring them because i thought i would get in trouble because they are so dangerous. But never mind i went to school like that and Mrs Kilkolly was very amazed. Later on after some work in the morning the whole school made their way to the hall. When we were all there the teachers told us a little speech saying well done for creating a costume for today. After that they started from the youngest to the oldest kids walking around the hall showing off their dress up with music going with them. Most of the songs us year 5 and 6 didn't think much of most of the songs were a bit babyish. For the rest of the day we had some teachers come over and read their favorite book to us and we did some fun BookWeek activities.