Thursday, 14 August 2014

Maths challenge

Today Friday 15th of August 2014 we have been doing a math challenge our class was set into 6 groups of 3 or 4 and then we got to name our team my team was called the FoxyCats because Ella was in our group and she likes cats and i like foxes Mathew and Hendrix were in our team as-well.

This math challenge had 20 challenges that were quite hard first we did easy ones and then it got harder and harder, as it got harder we had sheets with mazes on them as we completed the mazes we had to answer some questions on the bottom and that was alright. But then it got serious with a very long and mixing up sheet with 32 questions i think, and me and Ella didn't really get it until it to the 18th question we started to get the hang of it, so there was these numbers and we had to try to add them together i think and then we had answer what they were called like perfect or a prime and some other names i don't remember, but then the most annoying part when we were done and brang it to Mrs Kilkolly and then she couldn't read it and we got some wrong so we had to start it all over again on another copy of that sheet OHHHH! that was annoying and we came 6th out of 6 groups but never mind the prize was a lolly and i didn't feel like the taste of a lolly but never mind at least we learned some new things thats what math challenges are for.
By Kaitlyn Monti-Ellery


  1. Grace's comment
    I like the information about the math challenges and the language features you have used.
    P.S: I really like the animal gadgets you have added onto your blog

    1. Thank you Grace, for the comment, and i know they are soooooo cute
