Torbay school
Torbay school is a primary school for young kids year 1 to year 6. Our school is runned by a principle called Mrs Wendy Sandifer it is on Deep creek road on the North Shore of Auckland in Torbay. Torbay school is found on the East Coast Bays overlooking Rangitoto Island and Hauraki gulf.
In Torbay School it has care values. We have all sorts of prizes in Torbay School like class dojos that are found in some classes,kids get house points if the kids help a teacher or use care values, some classes have treasure boxes to win treats or a book if they behave good in class, and there's loads more prizes.
In Torbay School it has lots of opportunities like cool trips and clubs, some of our clubs are loom club, library, knitting club, and we have jobs that are helping our children at lunch and morning tea like mediator, duty teacher, milk monitor for in the morning. In Torbay school we learn maths, writing, reading, handwriting, spelling, inquiry, art, and music.
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