Capacity means weight something can hold or shape and size.
In class today Friday 27th of June 2014 we have been learning about Capacity we have been in table groups that means we've been with the same people that we sit with on our tables all the time, someone had to go and run to a box of containers and cups you had a chance of choosing 5 different containers and when you bring them to your table you have 3 chances putting one back and getting a different
When we were all settled with containers
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Journal writing
There are 4 herds the Casteils, the lost boys, Sevenswell, and the sheerins herd and thats where Avanshee and Avila live. The lost boys are a 4 horse team their leader is called Kendant, then theres Phoenix, Weltrin, and Catrix. In the Casteils their leader is Erebus and he has a daughter Avalon and also her brother Atari
Hi my name is Kaitlyn and i am a horse lover in my life i have a whole collection of horse toys named schleichs, breyers, safaris, and collects i play with these but i also make videos with them if you go on the internet type in breyer horse movie or schliech horse movie these days i have been writing scripts for my own schliech movie i have to write the story and then write what the horse is saying and also you have to get used to the horses names. This movie is going to be called which is my home it is going to be about a filly called Avanshee and her sister named Avila and she is the princess but Tarashee her father isn't shore about keeping Avanshee cause she is wild and not a horse for the castle and one night she couldn't get to sleep so she sneaked into Hemrils room and stole his sword so she could protect herself if there was danger.
She started walking in the forest and couldn't find one thing to do, then she heard a shake in the bushes and then poked out a hoof and then the horses whole body came out it was weltrin from the lost boys and then they started talking and Avanshee didn't get anything what weltrin was talking about.
There are 4 herds the sheerins herd, the casteils,the lost boys, and sevenswell, The leader of the sheerins herd was named Tarashee and his mate Charisma. The leader of the casteils name was Erebus and the future king was named Lalit and his mother Flaira. The leader of the lost boys name is Kendant. And last of all the leader of Sevenswell is named Colorado. In total of my collection is 63 plus 8 breyers so mostly out of all horses i have 71. Probably my best model out of all little horses is Fearim and Symphony.
So exactly i have been writing scripts for the movie witch is my home but ... I have been making a movie with my friend Mia already it is called danger around each year. We are on episode 2 now we have started working on it since Saturday and have kept working on it till Sunday. On Sunday we had a show but after that in the afternoon Mia came over to my place and we worked on episode 2, we did it till night time and her tablet finally ran out of battery and it was to dark to do any more of the video. This movie has 3 herds The Alisto herd, Vine swane herd, and the deep lake herd. The Alisto's herds leader is named Comanche, Comanche's herd has 11 horses. The Vine Swane herds leader is Erebus and they have only 9 horses in their herd. The Deep Lake herd is secret that no horse knows about their leader is a mare this time and her name is Sif they have over 10 horses in their herd. Stavros is from the Alisto's herd and one day he wondered off outside of the boundary around the herd, his friend knew and told the foal sitter, the foal sitter said to go bring him back to the Alisto herd, but when the little foal found him the conversation turned into a argument and Stavros refused to go back to the herd so he ran away.
As he started adventuring he started to think where he could stay and then Sif came into his mind, Sif is a mare that ran away from her old home, everyone says she is a legend and she watches all the herds and make shore that everyone is in peace and happiness. Sif was having a boring old day and when Stavros found her he asked if he could stay with her, she said yes but she had to try him out tomorrow to make shore he was good enough to stay with her. The next day he visited the Deep Lake herd that he has never heard of before in his life that day was average because he met the little team of foals hanging out and Jack was the leader it seams most of them were friends of his but also kind of slaves, Stavros came walking in to the group Jack called him ugly but his friend Weltrin didn't agree so he left the foal team for the day to hang out with Stavros. And that is when our battery ended and we started to pack up all the horses. It was very dark so we were worried we might not bring in every horse, after packing up we were most shore we didn't leave any outside. But when it was morning i had a little search around on the lawn and near the tree where we took the video, most surprising i found my little foal Angus on the lawn her was wet but he survived thank goodness for that.
Me and Mia have thought of maybe putting our videos on the internet when we are ready, GET READY FOR IT. Danger around each year COMING SOON!
Tuesday 16th September 2014
Hi guys, all around the world or friends at school, Me and Mia finally finished episode 2, until we watched it there was no sound or voice, so that means we are going to have to make episode 1 to 2 all over again, sorry, that sucks because me and Mia were so ready for getting it going on the internet every episode we make, but that isn't gonna happen as soon as i thought. But anyway, me and Mia are thinking of making a breyer movie as well, our breyer movie isn't going to be as big as danger around each year or which is my home, because i only have 8 breyers. But anyway it is going to happen if the voice works, if it doesn't we might have to use my phone that can not add music and is pretty dum about skipping, so yeah but anyway don't forget because it will come it just might take a while.
As he started adventuring he started to think where he could stay and then Sif came into his mind, Sif is a mare that ran away from her old home, everyone says she is a legend and she watches all the herds and make shore that everyone is in peace and happiness. Sif was having a boring old day and when Stavros found her he asked if he could stay with her, she said yes but she had to try him out tomorrow to make shore he was good enough to stay with her. The next day he visited the Deep Lake herd that he has never heard of before in his life that day was average because he met the little team of foals hanging out and Jack was the leader it seams most of them were friends of his but also kind of slaves, Stavros came walking in to the group Jack called him ugly but his friend Weltrin didn't agree so he left the foal team for the day to hang out with Stavros. And that is when our battery ended and we started to pack up all the horses. It was very dark so we were worried we might not bring in every horse, after packing up we were most shore we didn't leave any outside. But when it was morning i had a little search around on the lawn and near the tree where we took the video, most surprising i found my little foal Angus on the lawn her was wet but he survived thank goodness for that.
- My Schleich horse names
- Quarrit, Stavros, Widowcure,
- Kendant, Phoenix, Catrix, Weltrin.
- Erebus, Novera, Avalon, Gatanar, Atari, Lalit, Flaira, Verriot.
- Tarashee, Charisma, Avila, Avanshee, Hemril, Desperado.
- Revin, Hazel, Banner, Faleena, Galos.
- Cupid, Annabelle, Fensha, Windtalker.
- Ashstar, Swanes, Widow.
- Jalister, Apollo, Gracie, Jazz,
- Symphony, Alexander, Hasto, Jackson.
Tuesday 16th September 2014
Hi guys, all around the world or friends at school, Me and Mia finally finished episode 2, until we watched it there was no sound or voice, so that means we are going to have to make episode 1 to 2 all over again, sorry, that sucks because me and Mia were so ready for getting it going on the internet every episode we make, but that isn't gonna happen as soon as i thought. But anyway, me and Mia are thinking of making a breyer movie as well, our breyer movie isn't going to be as big as danger around each year or which is my home, because i only have 8 breyers. But anyway it is going to happen if the voice works, if it doesn't we might have to use my phone that can not add music and is pretty dum about skipping, so yeah but anyway don't forget because it will come it just might take a while.
Monday, 16 June 2014
Torbay school report
Torbay school
Torbay school is a primary school for young kids year 1 to year 6. Our school is runned by a principle called Mrs Wendy Sandifer it is on Deep creek road on the North Shore of Auckland in Torbay. Torbay school is found on the East Coast Bays overlooking Rangitoto Island and Hauraki gulf.
In Torbay School it has care values. We have all sorts of prizes in Torbay School like class dojos that are found in some classes,kids get house points if the kids help a teacher or use care values, some classes have treasure boxes to win treats or a book if they behave good in class, and there's loads more prizes.
In Torbay School it has lots of opportunities like cool trips and clubs, some of our clubs are loom club, library, knitting club, and we have jobs that are helping our children at lunch and morning tea like mediator, duty teacher, milk monitor for in the morning. In Torbay school we learn maths, writing, reading, handwriting, spelling, inquiry, art, and music.
The storm that hit Torbay
The storm that hit Torbay
On Tuesday the 10th of June 2014 a strong raging storm hit Torbay and all over Auckland this storm was very strong winds and heavy rain that took down trees that covered some roads and people had to come with huge diggers in the morning thank goodness me and my mum didn't get on to the road before the trees came down.
Over night me and mum had our ponies out the back the wind was blowing hard like a thousands of people banging outside of our house i looked out my window and saw pore patch and Serenade in the storm with the wind blowing up patches winter cover my mum was worried about leaving out there in the storm she was thinking of going out there and bringing them into the front paddock where there was no wind because of the tall fence.
I thought we should but how could we even catch the ponies it was such a deadly wind but we had to so we went out there like the ponies own super heroes THUNDER! COME ON GIRL! she was all the way at the bottom but she couldn't be bothered to walk up to me so i had to walk through the horrifying cold wind and i made to the bottom i put the halter around thunder and walked back up and mum took the two ponies and i took thunder to the front paddock and they all loved it much better Thank goodness! said me and mum.
So in the morning i had to go to school i didn't really want to because of the weather but never mind. On the way to school me and mum saw a lot of trees that have fallen down and we saw one that was moved off the road and it made a big mess but no wonder it made a huge mess because it was a pine tree. I had a good time at school anyway. When i got home we got to watch the news at dinner time and we saw a whole lot of unlucky people who had trees come down on top of their cars and some blocked their driveway so they couldn't get out and the worse parts were that some trees squashed the houses and kids and adults got killed and some couldn't get out this storm was stronger anyone we have had in quite a while.
By Kaitlyn Monti Ellery
My goals
My Goals
In Reading I am learning to understand what I am reading and to talk about the book.
In Writing I am learning to use paragraphs and use interesting language to make my story.
In maths i am learning to learn my Multiplication and division basic facts and To use them when working out word problems
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